Friday, March 31, 2023

how to block words on twitch

Twitch is a popular platform for live streaming video games, creative content, and more. As a streamer, you have control over your channel's content and can moderate your chat to keep it civil and welcoming for your viewers. One way to do this is by blocking specific words or phrases that you don't want to see in your chat.

Here are the steps you can follow to block words on Twitch:

Step 1: Open your Twitch account and go to your dashboard.

Step 2: Click on "Settings" on the left-hand side of the screen.

Step 3: Select "Moderation" from the list of options.

Step 4: Scroll and then select the "Blocked terms and phrases" section.

Step 5: Click on the "Add a term" button.

Step 6: Type in the word or phrase that you want to block in the text box.

  • Using wildcards with asterisks (*) is a useful way to block variations of words or phrases. Here are some examples of how to use wildcard characters when blocking words on Twitch:
    • Example 1: Block any messages containing the word "spam" or any variation of the word:


      • This will block messages containing words like "spamming", "spammy", and "spamalot".

    • Example 2: Block any messages containing a derogatory term followed by any number:


      • This will block messages containing words like "idiot123" or "moron666".
    • Example 3: Block any messages containing a specific phrase with a wildcard before and after:

      *keep it clean*

      • This will block messages containing the exact phrase "keep it clean" regardless of any additional text before or after.

    These are just a few examples of how to use wildcard characters when blocking words on Twitch. It's important to use them carefully to ensure that you're blocking the intended words or phrases without accidentally blocking unrelated content.

Step 7: Click on the "Block term" button to add it to your blocked list.

Step 8: You can add as many words or phrases as you like by repeating steps 5-7.

Tip: The channel owner can mark a term as Private to prevent it from being viewable by Moderators

Congratulations! You have successfully blocked words on Twitch. Any messages containing the blocked words will be hidden from your chat. You can always go back and remove words from your blocked list if you change your mind later on.

It's important to note that while blocking words can help keep your chat clean and friendly, it's not a foolproof method for preventing toxic behavior. It's still important to have active moderation in your chat and to set clear rules and expectations for your viewers.

I hope this guide has been helpful in teaching you how to block words on Twitch. Good luck with your streaming!

  1. Blocking specific words or phrases can be a great way to maintain a positive and inclusive community on your Twitch channel. By following these simple steps, you can ensure that your chat stays civil and welcoming for all your viewers. It's great to see Twitch giving streamers control over their channels' content and providing tools to help them create a positive community.

  2. Wanna be safe from getting Dox? Better put your name and address as word blocks in some capacity.
