Thursday, July 15, 2021

Stream Summary from one of the biggest channels on Twitch - Asmongold

So recently one of the biggest channels on Twitch shared their stream summary page.  Asmongold was showing how much viewer traffic he received during his first final fantasy stream session.  It shows something very interesting that most people will never be aware of because normally the big streamers would never show these stats to the public.

Any how here is the screenshot of the stats for that day!

Asmongold Stream embedded on 3rd party websites

If you see the note I added to the screenshot in red, over 1.15 million views possibly came from external which is 3rd party embedding. That is almost 50% of total views from 3rd party embedding which is enormous.  You can see from the screenshot that they didn't include the external section that is under the "Channel" views on the stat page.
  • How to get twitch viewers - guides on everything you need to get your channel going and also has info on embedding, which as you can see is something that benefits even the biggest channels on Twitch.