Listed here are most of the popular chat room bots, loyalty point systems for!
Ankhbot - features commands, timers, quote system, desktop dashboard, giveaway system, sfx system, currency system, betting system, poll system, Heist Minigame, song request system, (link, caps and symbol protection)Moobot - features web based dashboard, customization, spam filters, commands, polls, giveaways, song requests, notifications
Nightbot - features dashboard, spam protection, custom commands, nightbot commands, timers, (regulars / subscriber features), song requests, giveaways
Deepbot - features desktop dashboard, user database / viewer log, raffles, commands, music, polls, mini games, betting, notification
LoyaltyBot - javascript / node based loyalty bot.
SpottyBot - is a bot for windows / mac which plays music from your desktop spotify application
WinterBot - open source bot
GeoBot - features commands
Xanbot - features commands
ModBot - is a desktop loyalty bot.