What does undefined mean when you are looking at Twitch.tv URL Videoplay stats?
For the longest time I have been wondering what undefined is when you are looking at Video Plays by URL filter for stats on the dashboard. And it turns out it was really simple to figure out what exactly it was by using the other filters.Here is a screenshot of the Video Plays by URL set.
- player.twitch.tv: 500
- undefined: 40
- www.twitch.tv: 20
- embed: 500
- android: 40
- site: 20
Undefined issue solved, now to the player.twitch.tv problem.
The URL stats use to show domain names for all the different websites that had your stream embedded on but due to changes to the embed code its now showing everything as player.twitch.tv.
I have made a suggestion on twitch's uservoice section for a additional parameter we can add to have some sort of tracking of numbers from the various embed sites. Lets see if that gets any traction!