Sunday, August 20, 2017

Competition mentality

Streamer Vs Streamer - Do you believe you are competing against other streamers for viewers?

Here is a recent reddit post against my channel fueling this sort of a competition mentality.

This reddit user doesn't like that I embed my stream on the sidebar of websites that I run. They say because of having the stream embed its creating a unfair boost and is hurting other streamers.

Here is a great example of why you shouldn't think streaming is any sort of competition from one of the biggest entertainers of all time in Las Vegas, Wayne Newton.

Video Interview from Fox News; Your World with Neil Cavuto.
Go to timestamp 27:15

Quote from the interview:
Wayne Newton, "There is not the competition between the performers that people would assume, it would be a logical aftermath of that, the truth of the matter is, the more the big stars come here, like those that you have mentioned, the better it is for all of us, because people will see the show they came to see, if it be one of them or me or whomever and then they say who do we go see next. So the whole town and the whole entertainment industry really derive a great benefit from that talent being here."

Don't fall into the mind trap of thinking you are in a competition against other streamers for viewers.  Focus on creating a brand, high quality content and promoting it out across many platforms and social media avenues. Use the twitch platform as a tool to grow your community and to showcase your content.  Also rather then seeing other streamers as competition, try to collaborate with others and find synergies if possible.
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