Monday, July 27, 2020

Can affiliates run ads

Can Twitch affiliates run ads?

Twitch affiliates have the opportunity to monetize their streams by running ads on their channels. Running ads can help generate additional revenue and support the streamer's content. In order to trigger an advertisement to run on your channel, you have to press one of the ad break buttons on the dashboard.

As a Twitch affiliate, there are different ad block options available to you, including:

  • Run 30-Second Ad Break
  • Run 60-Second Ad Break
  • Run 120-Second Ad Break
  • Run 150-Second Ad Break
  • Run 180-Second Ad Break
It is recommended to run a 120-second ad break at least every 30 minutes of your stream session. This can help ensure that your viewers are not bombarded with ads while also maximizing your revenue potential.

Twitch affiliates also have the option to automate running ads via a chat robot with the command /commercial (time). However, it's important to make sure that your chat bot has the correct permissions to perform this action.

Chatty run commercial

In addition to chat bots, there are third-party tools that can help automate running ads on your channel. One of these tools is called Chatty, which is a chat program that has admin tools that can auto run ads every x minutes. This can be a helpful option for streamers who want to focus on their content without manually triggering ad breaks.

It's important to note that while running ads can help generate revenue, it's important to balance this with the viewer experience. Too many ads or ads that are too long can turn off viewers and negatively impact your stream. As a result, it's important to use ad breaks strategically and ensure that they don't disrupt the overall flow of your content.

In conclusion, Twitch affiliates can run ads on their channels by pressing the ad break buttons on the dashboard. There are different ad block options available, and it is recommended to run a 120-second ad break at least every 30 minutes of your stream session. Automating ad breaks via chat bots or third-party tools can also be helpful. However, it's important to balance revenue generation with the viewer experience and ensure that ad breaks don't negatively impact your content.
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