Saturday, August 1, 2020

What are the affiliate perks for streamers?

Twitch Affiliate Perks

If you're a Twitch streamer looking to monetize your content, becoming an affiliate can provide a range of benefits and perks that are not available to regular broadcasters. In this article, we'll explore some of the key advantages of becoming a Twitch affiliate.

Monetization Perks

One of the main benefits of becoming a Twitch affiliate is the ability to monetize your content in various ways. Here are some of the monetization perks available to Twitch affiliates:
twitch affiliate perks

  • Subscriptions: With Twitch subscriptions, viewers can subscribe to your channel at various tiers, including Twitch Prime subs. This allows you to earn recurring revenue from your loyal fans. Additionally, subscribers get access to custom emotes and sub badges created by the streamer.
  • Bits: Twitch's in-house tipping system, bits, allows viewers to cheer on your channel with virtual currency. This can be a great way to generate additional revenue while also encouraging viewer engagement. Additionally, Twitch affiliates can create custom bit reward tiers for their viewers.
  • Ads: As a Twitch affiliate, you can run advertising mid-roll blocks with the push of a button on the dashboard. This can help generate additional revenue, but it's important to use ad breaks strategically so as not to negatively impact the viewer experience.
  • Bounty: Twitch's bounty program allows affiliates to browse and accept sponsored opportunities from brands and game companies. This can be a great way to earn extra income while also promoting products that are relevant to your audience.

Video Perks

In addition to monetization perks, Twitch affiliates also enjoy certain advantages when it comes to video content. Here are some of the video perks available to Twitch affiliates:

  • Transcoding: With higher priority access, affiliates can access transcoding options that allow viewers to adjust the video quality based on their internet connection. This can help ensure that all viewers have a smooth viewing experience regardless of their internet speed.
  • ReRuns: As an affiliate, you can use Twitch's ReRuns feature to restream a previous session or VOD. This can be a great way to fill in gaps in your streaming schedule or provide additional content for your viewers. ReRun mode feature has been removed, you can still do reruns but you have to broadcast the video from your end.

In conclusion, becoming a Twitch affiliate provides a range of benefits and perks that can help you monetize your content and grow your channel. From subscriptions and bits to ads and sponsorships, there are numerous ways to generate revenue as a Twitch affiliate. Additionally, the video perks available can help ensure that your content is accessible to all viewers, regardless of their internet speed. If you're looking to take your streaming to the next level, becoming a Twitch affiliate is definitely worth considering.

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