Sunday, August 9, 2020

Follower Bots still actively working in 2020

Does twitch still have a follow bot problem in 2020?  Sadly yes, this is one of the ongoing issues on the platform that keeps popping up.  Due note this issue also happens on many other platforms with people all focusing attention on follower numbers which leads to people finding ways to exploit it via botting.

Recently a ASMR streamer noticed over night that their channel gained 104 thousand followers overnight.

Here is a screenshot showing the channel gaining 104,000 followers and some other metrics from previous days.

follower botted 100,000+

Very rarely does a channel receive this much followers in a single day. This generally only occurs during a high profile channel being launched or a special event. Another noticeable entry that the metrics show is video views. If 100k people really were all following the channel on that day, at least base minimum there would be alot more then 6k video views on that day.

In the past Twitch did some auto following via the on-boarding of new app users. Could this be some new experiment Twitch is running with users and having them auto follow certain channels? I guess time will tell if such a thing is occurring! 

Another interesting event also occurred recently on a similar category channel.  Here is the tweet with a video clip showing tons of host botting.

This maybe now more of a targeted attack against ASMR streamers on Twitch. Additional investigation is needed but this video clip is extremely interesting because of the shear amount of automated bot hosting occurring.
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