Lucky for me the channels that had the big viewer numbers listed that they were being featured on the "Twitch Front page".
Here is a look at the video tab for Elite Dangerous, which gives a quick view of total views from past streaming sessions.
Here are some aftermath stats on additional streaming sessions for these two channels with out the front page promotion on twitch.
The first channel appears to have been able to capitalize on the front page promotion which shows in the stats and the second streamer due to not streaming everyday went back to their normal levels. So what exactly does that say? If you get a front page Twitch promotion, make sure to continue to stream the following days in order to maximize the potential for new viewer retention.
One additional screenshot of a channel that received frontpage promtion but wasn't in the Elite Dangerous category.
Just wanted to post another to show it doesnt matter the context or the game, its the placement and time frame that yields the views. You can also see examples of being in the frontpage and not yielding much of anything due to being in certain time slots or behind others in the carousal. Timing makes a huge difference in any adverting promotion.
So I ask myself on how do you get to be on the Twitch front page carousal? After a bit of investigation I found the following steps that some have taken to get their stream in a front page time slot on twitch.
- For special events of charity related content, you can send a email and see if they can schedule a time slot on the front page.
- Email:
- Also some charities that have worked with Twitch before like St Jude
have a sign up section to which may feature you during their special
charity events.
Other then that it appears the front page embed is curated by a special group at Twitch or sold as some advertising package.
- Twitch sells the "Homepage Carousal" spot as a advertising package. You can read about the details on there advertising page listed here:
- They also have a "Promoted Bounty" which you can read more about here:
- Not sure if this includes being promoting on the frontpage, but making a note here just in case.
- Not sure if this includes being promoting on the frontpage, but making a note here just in case.