Thursday, March 30, 2023

can you prevent people from gift subbing you?

Twitch is a popular streaming platform that allows users to broadcast their content to a wide audience. One of the features of Twitch is the ability for viewers to gift subscriptions to their favorite streamers. While many streamers appreciate these gifts, some may prefer to opt-out of this feature or limit it to channels they follow. In this article, we will discuss how to block gift subs from channels you don't follow on Twitch.

Recently, Twitch introduced a new feature that allows users to block gift subs from channels that they do not follow. To access this feature, follow these steps:

  1. Login to your twitch account
  2. Click on the top right icon of your profile

    #2 and #3 step screenshot

  3. Click on the Settings option in the drop down menu
  4. Press on the Security and Privacy tab
  5. Find the section "Block Receiving Gifts on Channels You don't Follow" and toggle it on.

    block receiving gift subs on twitch

Once you have enabled this feature, you will no longer receive gift subs from channels that you do not follow. This can be useful if you want to limit the number of gift subs that you receive or if you do not want to receive gift subs from channels that you are not familiar with.

It is important to note that this feature only blocks gift subs and does not affect other forms of support, such as donations or bits. Additionally, this feature does not block gift subs from channels that you follow, so if there are channels that you do not want to receive gift subs from, you will need to manually unfollow them.

If you change your mind and want to receive gift subs from channels you don't follow in the future, you can easily turn off the feature by following the same steps and toggling the switch to the off position.

In conclusion, Twitch's new feature allows users to block gift subs from channels they don't follow. This can be a useful tool for limiting unwanted gift subs and ensuring that your channel reflects your preferences as a content creator. However, it is important to remember that this feature only affects gift subs and does not affect other forms of support, and it does not block gift subs from channels that you follow.

1 comment:
  1. Blocking gift subs on Twitch is a great way to take control over the content you receive and limit the number of gifts you receive from channels you're not familiar with. It's good to see that Twitch has added this new feature to help streamers customize their experience on the platform. By following the simple steps outlined in this article, you can quickly block gift subs from channels you don't follow and focus on building your community with the people you care about the most.
