Friday, March 31, 2023

how do i unsubscribe

Twitch is one of the most popular live streaming platforms that allows users to watch their favorite gamers play their favorite games. However, if you have subscribed to a channel on Twitch and wish to unsubscribe, the process is quite simple. In this article, we will discuss the steps to unsubscribe from a channel on Twitch.

Step 1: Log in to your Twitch account

The first step is to log in to your Twitch account. You can do this by visiting the Twitch website and clicking on the "Log In" button located in the top right corner of the screen. Enter your login details and click on "Log In."

Step 2: Go to the channel you want to unsubscribe from

Once you are logged in to your account, navigate to the channel you wish to unsubscribe from. You can do this by searching for the channel in the search bar located at the top of the screen or by clicking on the channel name in your list of followed channels.

Step 3: Click on the "Manage Your Sub" button

On the channel page, locate the "Manage Your Sub" button located beneath the video player. Click on this button to open the subscription options.

manage your sub button

Step 4: Click on "Don't Renew Subscription"

In the subscription options, you will see the option to "Don't Renew Subscription." Click on this option to unsubscribe from the channel. You will receive a confirmation message asking if you are sure you want to unsubscribe. Click "Yes" to confirm.

Step 5: Verify that you have unsubscribed

After clicking "Yes," you will be redirected to the channel page, and the "Subscribed" button should now say "Subscribe." This indicates that you have successfully unsubscribed from the channel.

In conclusion, if you are looking to unsubscribe from a channel on Twitch, the process is quick and easy. Follow these simple steps to unsubscribe and free up space in your list of followed channels.

1 comment:
  1. Unsubscribing from a Twitch channel is easy, and this article provides simple steps to guide you through the process. Following these steps will allow you to manage your Twitch subscriptions quickly and easily. If you have any further questions or concerns, Twitch's support team is always available to help you out.
