Friday, March 31, 2023

where to find whispers

Twitch is a popular streaming platform that allows users to stream their favorite games, watch other gamers play, and interact with other viewers in real-time. One of the features that Twitch offers is whispers, which are private messages that can be sent to other users on the platform. Whispers can be useful for sending private messages to other users, such as moderators, friends, or other streamers.

If you're new to Twitch, you might be wondering where to find whispers. Fortunately, Twitch makes it easy to access whispers, and they can be found in a few different places on the platform.

The first place to look for whispers on Twitch is in the chat window. When you're watching a stream or participating in a chat, you'll see a chat window on the right side of the screen. This will happen whenever someone send you a whisper.  It will be a small blinking window that you can then click on to expand.

whisper chat window

Another way to access whispers on Twitch is through the whisper icon on the top right of the webpage. Here is what that whisper icon looks like:

whisper chat icon on Twitch

Finally, you can also access whispers on Twitch through the mobile app. To access your whispers on the Twitch mobile app, tap on the chat icon at the bottom of the screen. This will open the chat window, where you can access your whispers by tapping on the whispers icon, which is located at the top of the screen. This will take you to your whisper inbox, where you can see any messages that have been sent to you.

In conclusion, whispers are a useful feature on Twitch that allows users to send private messages to other users on the platform. Whether you're a streamer, a moderator, or a viewer, knowing where to find whispers on Twitch is an important skill to have. By following the steps outlined above, you can easily access your whisper inbox and stay connected with other users on the platform.

1 comment:
  1. As someone who is new to Twitch, I found this guide on where to find whispers really helpful. It's great to know that Twitch offers a feature like whispers for private messaging, especially if I need to communicate with moderators or streamers. The fact that whispers can be found in the chat window and are easily accessible is also a plus. Twitch seems to be very user-friendly, and I'm looking forward to exploring more of its features.
