Thursday, August 10, 2023

chat rules examples

Here's a list of Twitch chat rule examples to help maintain a positive and respectful environment in your Twitch community:

  1. Be Respectful: Treat others with respect and kindness. No hate speech, harassment, or offensive language.
  2. No Spamming: Avoid excessive caps, emojis, symbols, or repeated messages.
  3. Stay on Topic: Keep the chat relevant to the current stream or the streamer's content.
  4. No Self-Promotion: Refrain from promoting your own channels, content, or social media links.
  5. Respect Streamer's Rules: Follow any additional rules set by the streamer for their chat.
  6. No Spoilers: Avoid sharing spoilers from games, movies, or TV shows.
  7. No Backseat Gaming: Unless the streamer asks for help, avoid giving unsolicited gameplay advice.
  8. Respect Moderators: Follow instructions from moderators and be respectful to them and others.
  9. Inclusive Language: Use language that is inclusive and considerate of all viewers.
  10. No Discrimination: Avoid offensive terms, slurs, or discriminatory language.
  11. No Trolling: Refrain from purposely provoking or upsetting others.
  12. No Excessive Emotes: Use emotes in moderation to keep the chat readable.
  13. No Excessive Caps: Avoid typing in all caps as it can be seen as shouting.
  14. No Spoiler Requests: Do not ask for or encourage others to share spoilers.
  15. No Personal Attacks: Avoid targeting or insulting other viewers or the streamer.
  16. Keep Language English: To maintain inclusivity, keep the chat primarily in English.
  17. No Begging: Refrain from begging for gifts, follows, or subscriptions.
  18. Use English to Communicate: Keep primary communication in chat in English for moderation purposes.
  19. No Religious or Political Discussions: Keep the chat focused on gaming and stream-related topics.
  20. Report Inappropriate Behavior: If you witness any violations, report them to the moderators or the streamer.

 How to access chat rules is very easy by follwing these steps:
Go to creator dashboard
Click on settings, then moderation
Then find the section for Chat Rules

Remember, setting clear and concise chat rules can help create a welcoming and enjoyable atmosphere for all viewers. Be sure to communicate the rules regularly and enforce them consistently to maintain a positive community on your Twitch channel.

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