Sunday, October 8, 2023

KICK's Bold Move: A Reddit Ad Campaign Takes on Twitch

In the world of live streaming, competition is fierce, and it's no secret that platforms like Twitch dominate the scene. However, a new player has emerged, and they're making waves with an unconventional and attention-grabbing ad campaign on Reddit. KICK, the up-and-coming streaming platform, has launched an ad campaign on the Twitch subreddit that's turning heads and sparking conversations across the gaming and streaming communities. 

The Viral Video Clip: A Plane Mystery

At the heart of KICK's campaign is a viral video clip that captured the internet's attention a few months ago. The clip features a woman on an airplane, convinced that someone in the back of the plane isn't real. While the video itself is quirky and humorous, it's the way KICK has incorporated it into their campaign that's truly intriguing.

Twitch vs. KICK: The Creative Twist

In the ad, whoever designed it took a creative approach. They superimposed the Twitch logo over the lady's face during her peculiar declaration on the plane. But here's where it gets interesting: as the video shifts to the back of the plane, a bold KICK logo appears in place of the mysterious passenger.
This visual transformation is not only visually striking but also sends a clear message: KICK is ready to compete head-to-head with Twitch, promising a fresh and innovative alternative for streamers and viewers alike.

The Grand Finale: KICK's Message

At the end of the ad, a splash screen appears, delivering KICK's key messages:

  • Kick Streaming: This is a direct call to action for those looking for a new streaming platform to explore.
  • NO ADS: KICK is emphasizing a user-centric experience, promising an ad-free environment for both creators and viewers.
  • 95-5 SPLIT: This is a direct challenge to Twitch's revenue-sharing model. KICK is highlighting a more generous split, which could be enticing for content creators.
  • Reachable Support Team: KICK is underlining its commitment to providing better support and communication with its community, addressing a common concern among streamers.
The Impact of KICK's Campaign

KICK's approach to this Reddit ad campaign is nothing short of audacious. By appropriating a viral video and turning it into a statement about their platform, they are not just making their presence known but also starting a conversation about the future of streaming. This campaign raises questions about competition, innovation, and what streamers and viewers value most.
While it's too early to tell if KICK will truly challenge Twitch's dominance, this campaign demonstrates their determination and creative marketing prowess. As the streaming landscape continues to evolve, it's clear that new contenders like KICK are willing to do whatever it takes to capture the attention of streamers and viewers alike.


KICK's recent Reddit ad campaign has ignited a firestorm of discussion within the streaming community. By leveraging a viral video and turning it into a statement about their platform, they've announced their presence in the most unforgettable way possible. With promises of no ads, a favorable revenue split, and a reachable support team, KICK is positioning itself as a serious competitor to Twitch. Only time will tell if KICK can live up to the hype and challenge the streaming giant, but for now, one thing is certain: the streaming landscape just got a whole lot more interesting.
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