Tuesday, November 14, 2023

How to Block Gifted Subs from Random Channels

Twitch.tv, the popular streaming platform, allows users to connect with their favorite content creators and communities. While receiving gifted subs can be an exciting experience, some users prefer to control the channels from which they receive such subscriptions. If you've ever found yourself with a gifted sub from a channel you've never visited and wish to prevent such occurrences, follow these simple steps to customize your Twitch experience.

Block Gifted Subs option on Twitch

Step-by-Step Guide:
  1. Login to Twitch: Start by visiting the Twitch website and logging in to your account. This ensures that you have access to the necessary settings.
  2. Access Your Profile: Once logged in, locate your profile picture or avatar in the top corner of the website. Click on it to reveal a dropdown menu.
  3. Navigate to Settings: In the dropdown menu, find and select the "Settings" option. This will take you to the settings dashboard where you can customize various aspects of your Twitch account.
  4. Security and Privacy Tab: Within the settings, look for the "Security and Privacy" tab. Click on it to access a range of options related to the security and privacy of your account.
  5. Privacy Section: Scroll down to find the Privacy section. This is where you'll find options to control who can interact with your account and how.
  6. Enable "Block Receiving Gifts on Channels You Don't Follow": Look for the specific option that allows you to block receiving gifts from channels you don't follow. Enable this option to restrict gifted subs to channels that you actively follow.
  7. Direct Link to Settings: For a quick access shortcut, you can use the following link: Twitch Settings - Privacy Section.


That's it! Following these straightforward steps will empower you to block gifted subs from random channels on Twitch.tv, giving you more control over your subscription experience. If you have any questions or comments, feel free to share them below. Enjoy a more personalized and curated Twitch experience tailored to the channels you follow and love.
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