Monday, November 6, 2023

KICK CEO Clarifies the Impact of View Botting on Streamer Growth

In a continued conversation, the CEO of KICK Live Streaming platform responded to a follow-up question about the impact of view botting on a streamer's growth. The user wanted to understand whether malicious view botting could significantly hinder a streamer's long-term progress. 

Robot Viewer

The CEO provided insights into the effects of view botting and how the platform addresses it: "Well, that's the thing, it's not something that cripples growth forever. It's a sustained approach, and a lot of it is extremely easy to identify what we call targeted view manipulation. It's also easy to recognize when that's happening, although I can't reveal exactly how we identify it. If someone view bots for a short period, say a week or two, we don't remove their discoverability instantaneously. It happens gradually over time. Many times, it's calculated, and we can tell when it's a deliberate act." 

Source for all the quotes on this article can be found here: Kick Talk Ep.4

The CEO emphasized that the platform is actively working to detect and address targeted view manipulation. The focus is on distinguishing when view botting is a calculated, artificial inflation of viewership, and the platform is equipped to recognize such activity. Additionally, the CEO assured users that they are on top of the situation, actively monitoring and identifying instances of view botting.

In conclusion, the CEO's response provides reassurance to the KICK community that malicious view botting does not permanently cripple a streamer's growth. The platform is vigilant in identifying and addressing instances of view manipulation, particularly when it is a calculated and deliberate act. This commitment to maintaining a fair and authentic streaming environment underscores the platform's dedication to providing genuine and engaging content for viewers.

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