Some advice for game streamers since reddit is one of the most popular websites globally and most likely many streamers on Twitch check it out regularly for info. Take half the time you spend on reddit and put it towards creating a blog featuring content and your stream!
Do you have a Gmail / Google account? Perfect, use that to make a free blog on blogger.
Need ideas for content? Write about whatever games you are playing on your stream. Make guides, post up screenshots, post up your video highlights. Build content that people will search for via search engines.
Post your stream on the sidebar of the blog as a embed. If people check the blog, they will see your stream and may switch over to say hello! A good example of this can been seen right here on this blog. I write guides, opinion pieces for streaming and have my channel on the sidebar.
Quick guide steps on blog creation:
- Make a Google account or use a existing one.
- Go to blogger.com, click on Sign then, use your google account.
- May be prompted to create a Profile, this option is up to you, use either google+ or blogger profile
- Next, press Create a New Blog
- Enter Title and address, if you are primarily going to be writing about a certain game, you may want to use abbreviation or some keywords from the game title in the address and title.
- Select Theme then create blog.
Webmaster Tool links:
> Google - https://www.google.com/webmasters/
> Bing - https://www.bing.com/toolbox/webmaster
Always remember "Content is King," keep building to make a sound foundation.
You are amazing