Thursday, March 30, 2023

can you see your followers

Yes, you can see your followers on Twitch. In fact, keeping track of your followers is an important part of building a successful Twitch channel.

There are a few different ways to see your followers on Twitch. One way is to simply visit your channel page or dashboard and look at the number of followers displayed. This will give you a quick snapshot of your follower count, but it won't give you any specific information about who is following you.

If you want to see a list of your followers, you can use the Twitch API to access that information. Specifically, you can use the "Get Channel Followers" endpoint to retrieve a list of all the users who are currently following your channel. This endpoint requires a user access token that includes the "moderator:read:followers" scope.

Once you've retrieved your list of followers, you can use it to gain insights into your audience. For example, you can see which followers are most active on your channel, which ones are new, and which ones haven't been active in a while. This information can help you tailor your content to better meet the needs and preferences of your viewers.

Another way to see your followers is from the dashboard, follow these steps:

  • Login to your twitch account
  • Go to Creator Dashboard
  • Click on community section to expand
  • Then press on the Follower List

    followers list menu option

It's worth noting that Twitch does have some restrictions on how you can use follower data. For example, you're not allowed to use follower data to send unsolicited messages or spam to your viewers. Additionally, you're not allowed to share follower data with third parties without the express consent of the users in question.

In summary, seeing your followers on Twitch is both possible and important. By keeping track of your followers and analyzing that data, you can gain insights into your audience and create more engaging content. Just be sure to follow Twitch's guidelines for using follower data to ensure that you're respecting the privacy and preferences of your viewers.

  1. It's great to know that you can see your followers on Twitch! Keeping track of your followers is important for growing your channel and engaging with your audience. It's also helpful to know that there are different ways to access your followers, whether it's through your channel page, the Twitch API, or the Creator Dashboard. Understanding who your followers are and what they like can help you create content that resonates with them and keeps them coming back to your channel.

  2. It's great to know that you can see your followers on Twitch! Keeping track of your followers is important for growing your channel and engaging with your audience. It's also helpful to know that there are different ways to access your followers, whether it's through your channel page, the Twitch API, or the Creator Dashboard. Understanding who your followers are and what they like can help you create content that resonates with them and keeps them coming back to your channel.
