Guide on how to get free game keys for live streaming and video content creation.
Game developers are looking for influencers to play their games on live streams and on videos for youtube. What makes these services very helpful is how they screen out fake content creators. Each content creator supplies connections to their Twitch, Youtube, Social Media and other accounts which then pulls in data to verify the authenticity and traffic levels of the content creators.Here are some of the services I use for my stream!
1. Keymailer - key distribution platform and other offers.

3. - distributes keys, sponsorship opportunities

4. - key distribution platform, PR

5. - key distribution platform, PR

6. - analytics, key distribution platform

7. Xsolla - keys, affiliate programs, performance-driven

These are all the different key distribution platforms that I have signed up for and use regularly to get free game keys for my channel on twitch. If you happen to know of any that are not listed and provide similar services, please fill free to comment below or message me so I can review it and add it to the list.
Correction: Gamesight is not working