Thursday, December 30, 2021

Does a green color border around your profile picture make any difference?

The psychology around different colors and marketing subject seems to be a interesting topic.  Today I have changed the border of my profile picture to being bright green. Here is a screenshot of what that looks like from the default format.

Profile Image
DaOpa Green Border profile picture

When you upload to Twitch, it will crop the image into a circle which looks like this image.
sidebar section twitch
As you can see when the profile image is on the sidebar, it stands out a little more then other profile images. You can also see 2 other profile pictures that also have a greenish border similar to what I did and then can compare to the bottom 3 profile images that have a black border.

Now the question is if this will make users of the site that have it showing up, click on it more then the other profile pictures?

This is something I wont be able to get data on but I have a feeling it does have some impact in a positive way.

Question for anyone who reads this short post, from your point of view, do you think having a green border around makes any difference?

Wednesday, December 1, 2021

What is twitch tv activate

Twitch TV Activate is a process for activating your Twitch account on various devices such as smart TVs, gaming consoles, and streaming devices.

To activate your Twitch account on a device, you will first need to go to the Twitch activation page and enter the activation code provided by the device. This will link your Twitch account to the device, allowing you to watch and stream Twitch content on that device.

twitch activate your device

Here is the activation URL Link:

The process for activating Twitch TV can vary depending on the device you are using. Some devices, such as the Amazon Fire Stick or Roku, have a dedicated Twitch app that you can download and activate. Other devices may require you to access Twitch through a web browser and enter your activation code.

If you're having trouble activating your Twitch account, you can check Twitch's support pages for instructions on how to activate Twitch on different devices or contact their customer support team for assistance.

Friday, November 12, 2021

How to use the google/youtube ABC Method for discovery and keyword research!

Short guide on what the google/youtube ABC method is and how to utilize it to create content for discovery opportunities.

  • First question people will ask is what exactly is the google ABC Method?

Google search bar has a feature that automatically suggests words based on what you have already typed in the text box.  If you search for a keyword and then just add a "A", it will show you all the suggestions that people search for on google for that keyword.

Here are some screenshot examples of using the ABC Method on google.

google abc method example

google abc method example 2

As shown in the screenshots, we used twitch as the keyword and started the ABC method. So use the keyword or specific topic, then type A and see what the results are showing in the pop up box.  Then swap the A with B which can be repeated over and over thru the whole alphabet. The results are showing many different words which can be turned into content that answers a question.

You can continue to use this method to generate even longer terms and search for possible questions people are asking about a keyword. 

  • What is the ABC method for youtube?

This is exactly the same idea but instead of using google, you will use the youtube search bar.

Here is a screenshot example of using the ABC Method on youtube.

youtube abc method

Both ways show you content ideas to write about or to make videos on based on the keyword you used.  This can be expanded in many different ways to even show you questions for whatever niche you are involved in or want to get into in the future.

This is one of the best kept secrets that many content creators have been using to generate ideas for making videos, streaming and writing blogs.  If you are very keyed into a certain product, service or news event and can create content before everyone else, this will also help your placement on both youtube and google.


Thursday, November 4, 2021

How legal viewbots thrive is a false narrative

So there has been a ongoing narrative of how embeds on 3rd party websites are and I quote "Legit Viewbots" or "Legal Viewbots" by some so called streaming industry experts.

legit viewbot, legal viewbot
If you watch some youtuber's videos on the subject, they open up with showing off the World of Warcraft directory and how "Asmongold" viewers are real while "Method" viewers are not real because method was supposedly embedded on 3rd party websites.

First off, these blanket statements of this channel has real viewership vs others is always wrong.  They do not know and are just assuming things.

If you want to keep going down this rabbit hole, then all of these are also considered legit viewbots.

  • Frontpage of Twitch's carousal 
  • Auto Hosts / Hosting
  • Raids
  • Drops

Here is 100% undisputed truth that if you follow the logic line of what these people say, some of the biggest channels on twitch all have huge chunks of "Legit Viewbots" just as anyone else who has been on twitch for a very long time.

Check this screenshot of when Asmongold shared his dashboard stats during one of his biggest streaming sessions on Twitch.

Asmongold Stream embedded on 3rd party websites

If you know how the stats section works on twitch, you will notice that a big portion of the views came from external aka as these people say "legit viewbots".

Next, they keep mixing together what view bots are with what embedding is which is totally different!

  • Viewbot is typically any method that sends automated connections to the Twitch video player which then Twitch thinks is a person viewing the channel thus being counted as a view.
  • A embed twitch video player on a webpage is typically viewed by a real person which isn't automated and also gets counted as a view.

These two things are very different yet they always like to mix them together as if they are similar.

After that comes the whole narrative of chat lists, follower numbers and how one chat is very active while the other isn't active.

Typically when someone embeds the twitch video player to a website as a form of advertisement they do not included the chat which makes any possibility of interaction not available. But that does not mean the embed is not being viewed and consumed by the website visitor.

Here are the rules around embedded the twitch video player.
Twitch Embed Rules and requirements
  • You can not put a 1x1 pixel twitch embed on a webpage, that's against the rules. The embed player has to be 400x300 pixels in size minimum. 
  • Also you can not buy embed placement or sell embeds on websites, as shown in the rules screenshot above. The whole idea of hey lets put my twitch channel embed on thousands of high traffic website is against the rules unless you own and operate these entities.

You can have a billion webpages with your twitch embed on it and have it generate zero views because of the lack of content.  Just as any content creator should know, content is king in both the streaming world and for websites.

If there is one thing Twitch needs, it needs more people to created external content and to embed twitch on it.  Just like how billions of content pages showcase youtube embeds which then feeds people back into youtube, the same needs to happen with twitch.

Thursday, September 23, 2021

Embedding gone wrong, watch out for this!

How a 3rd party website is using the Twitch embed player in a very wrong way. Going to showcase what you should look for if you ever notice any external source popping up in your analytics section on twitch.

You can see if any 3rd party websites are embedding your twitch stream on either the channel analytics page or the stream summary section. Basically, go to your Dashboard > Insights > Click on either Channel Analytics or Stream Summary.  Both have a section called "Where did my views come from?" which then has a link to "View details", make sure to click on that to see the data.

If all goes well you will get a page that has the following type of section:

views from outside twitch
"Views from Outside Twitch" lists domain urls that have a Twitch embed player showing your stream. If you see yourself receiving a massive amount of views from this section its probably worth some time to investigate the sites to see how they are using the Twitch embed code.

Here is something I recently noticed that was happening in the "New World" game directory from a 3rd party website.

2 Embeds, one hidden, one visible

This screenshot has been censored so the 3rd party website and the embedded Twitch streamer isn't viewable.  

If you go to this website right off the bat you will think nothing sketchy is occurring.   Its a guide for a mmorpg and under the main content is a Twitch embed player that is set to Autoplay=False which means its not auto playing the live stream as you enter the page.  

But this same webpage if you press F12 (which loads up DevTools on chrome) shows a different story. 

I have highlighted 2 twitch embeds on the screenshot.

The red highlight is a hidden iframe with a twitch embed everything code that is set to autoplay=true.

The blue highlight is the visible iframe with a normal just twitch video player embed that is set to autoplay=false.

Other notes, this website has some extra sketchy stuff with refreshing the ads and also the red highlight hidden iframe.  So every couple of second the Twitch embed everything iframe is being reloaded in the background hidden from the users who are consuming the content on this page.

A hidden iframe with a Twitch player embed is against the Twitch developer service agreement.

See the terms here:

If you notice this happening to your stream channel via some 3rd party website, report it to Twitch.

So you have to ask yourself why is this 3rd party doing this?

This 3rd party appears to be using this tactic to advertise and possibly gain influence with streamers who are invested in New World.  

The 3rd party has a new world website that the streamers are using on their channel.

So they pick the channels that are showing off their New World site, embed it so that streamer is higher on the Twitch New World directory which then may lead to more people seeing their website which in terms generators more web traffic for them.

Twitch Developer Agreement - "You may not create embeddable experiences in exchange for any compensation (monetary or non-monetary, directly or indirectly) from a content provider on a site or service that the content provider does not own or operate."

If the streamer checks to see whats going on via their "Views from Outside source", and goes to the other non new world website that's promoting their channel, at first glance it will be the visible twitch player embed that is paused. These streamers most likely have no idea of the hidden iframe, some of them probably don't even know they are being embedded.

Additional note on this case.

  • The Twitch Embed Everything code, why do they use that in the hidden iframe? Well here is a super secret tip, because it effects Twitch algorithm for "recommended channels" vs just having a Twitch Video player.

Wednesday, September 8, 2021

Does IPAD have twitch?

No, IPAD does not have the Twitch IOS app installed by default.  In order to get Twitch onto your ipad you will have to go to the apple app store and install it.

Ipad twitch button

Follow theses simple steps in order to get the Twitch App on your Ipad!

Step 1:

Click on the App Store button

Click on app store button

Step 2:

Click on the search feature on the app store

click on search option

Step 3:

In the text box enter Twitch then press the search button

enter twitch in the text box then press search button

Step 4:

Press the "Get" button for the Twitch Live Game streaming section that is also noted as editors choice. See this screenshot to verify what the app looks like in its current form on the app store.

Press Get Button

Step 5:

Press the install button

Press Install button

Step 6:

Once it finishes installing you can press the open button which will then start up the app.

Use Open button to start up twitch

Saturday, August 21, 2021

How to prevent hate raids, trolls using available tools from Twitch!

Listed here are a couple of different ways to combat against hate raids, trolls and other problematic events that show up in your chat channel time to time.

First is to create ban word lists using wildcard(s) words and phrases.

  • Go to the creator dashboard
  • Click on Settings
  • Then click on Moderation
  • Then go to the section under AutoMod Controls, listed as "Block terms and phrases"

    blocked terms and phrases
  • In the Blocked Terms and Phrases section you can start adding words and phrases of words that you want to prevent in your chat room

    Important Note: You can use "Wildcard" asterisk * which can specify any number of characters.

    Here is a screenshot example of a wildcard in my blocked terms and phrases section

    wildcard banned words
    My example is *aaa*bbb*ccc*

    This will block anyone who types in  ANYTHINGaaaANYTHINGbbbANYTHINGcccANYTHING

    If you want to block space(s), you will have to make another block term phrase

    Here is a example of that * aaa *

    This will block anyone who types in
    ANYTHING ANY # of Spaces aaa ANY # of Spaces ANYTHING

  • Add all the problematic words and phrases you can think of and use wildcards to make it even harder for the trolls to get thru the moderation.
  • You should also think about adding your name, address and phone number with wildcard and set it to private.  This will prevent some possible dox'ing attempts by trolls.

Second is to use this moderation tool that will hamper any bot raid, hate raid and chat room spam.

Follower Mode Only Chat - use this guide to setup follower only chat which prevents anyone from chatting in your channel unless they have followed for a certain amount of time.  Using this feature alone should prevent the recent hate raid spam chat.  You will be able to detect any follower spike with the activity log. So if you notice tons of accounts following all of a sudden with a weird name format you can then switch to a sub only mode or notify your mods of possible problem incoming and enable slow mode.

Third is to increase the AutoMod settings to maximum which auto filter and hold messages for your moderators to review.

automod max filter settings

Fourth is to enable the option for only verified email to chat in your channel.

  • Go to your dashboard, then settings, then moderation
  • Find the section called "Channel Privileges" and then email verification which you can then turn on by clicking on the button.

    email verification

Fifth is to turn on Non-Mod Chat delay to 6 seconds so that your mods or your bot has time to ban problematic messages before they show up to others.

non-mod chat delay setting
  • Go to your dashboard, then settings, then moderation
  • Find the section called "Chat Options" and then "Non-Mod Chat Delay" which then lets you use a drop down menu to select how many seconds of delay you want to enable.

Additional steps to take and information

  • Use chat command /uniquechat to prevent users from sending duplicate messages, to turn off this option use /uniquechatoff
  • If you use stream overlays for recent followers, make a hotkey to disable them upon problematic events happening.
  • Create another hotkey that lets you clear the chatroom or type /clear in your chatroom, moderators can also do this function. Make sure to do this if you notice a lot of spam occurring in your channel.

    clear chat on twitch

  • Trigger a stream marker at the start of any problematic event so you can go back to the vod later to review the usernames and words they used so you can block them and the phrases.

    stream marker button

  • Set the VOD to unpublished so you can review it and have it not accessible to others

    how to unpublish vods
    • You also now have the option to set your VODS to always be unpublished instead of visable. Go to your dashboard, then click on settings, then sream.  You will then see a section called VOD settings, one of the option is "Always Publish VODs" which you can switch off.
  • Check to see if the trolls created any clips, which you can then delete.
    • How to delete clips made by viewers
    • You can also disable clips by going to the dashboard, then settings, click on stream. Then find the section called "Clips Settings". One of the options is a slider which you can turn off which disables clip creations.
Thursday, July 15, 2021

Stream Summary from one of the biggest channels on Twitch - Asmongold

So recently one of the biggest channels on Twitch shared their stream summary page.  Asmongold was showing how much viewer traffic he received during his first final fantasy stream session.  It shows something very interesting that most people will never be aware of because normally the big streamers would never show these stats to the public.

Any how here is the screenshot of the stats for that day!

Asmongold Stream embedded on 3rd party websites

If you see the note I added to the screenshot in red, over 1.15 million views possibly came from external which is 3rd party embedding. That is almost 50% of total views from 3rd party embedding which is enormous.  You can see from the screenshot that they didn't include the external section that is under the "Channel" views on the stat page.
  • How to get twitch viewers - guides on everything you need to get your channel going and also has info on embedding, which as you can see is something that benefits even the biggest channels on Twitch.
Tuesday, June 15, 2021

How to block random channel gift subs

Are you receiving random subs to channels you do not follow and want to prevent that from happening?

block random channel gift sub

If so follow these simple steps in order to block gifted subs:

Step 1:

Login to your twitch account and then press your profile picture which should bring up a pop up menu.

Step 2:

Click on the Account Settings menu option

how to get to account settings on twitch

Step 3:

In the settings section, click on the tab called "Security and Privacy."

Step 4:

Find the section that says "Block Receiving Gifts on Channels You don't' Follow" and enable it.

block receiving sub gifts

These steps should be similar for the twitch apps on android and ios. If you have any questions or issues, fill free to post in the comments section below.
Wednesday, June 9, 2021

Can mods make other mods

mod user
Can twitch mods make other mods?

No, only the channel owner can assign mods by using the following chat command:

Type: /mod [username]

Or via the roles manager in the creator dashboard.

Tuesday, June 8, 2021

how much money do streamers make per sub

How much money do twitch streamers make per sub?

A standard tier 1 twitch sub costs 4.99 which is split 50/50 with the majority of streamers. So streamers make $2.49 for each sub. Due note some larger streamers have a 70/30 split which will make them $3.49 for each sub.
first sub, first month 20% off

Additional factors include but not limited to geo location, currency differences, prime gaming and higher tiers which all are very different and hard to calculate.

Check out these guides covering this topic!

Monday, June 7, 2021

Can mods ban other mods

Can twitch mods ban other mods?

No, only the broadcaster can ban mods in their channels. If you want to ban a user in your chat room you can either click on their name and then press the ban button in the pop up window or use the chat command as follows.

Type: /ban [username] [reason]

You don't have to fill in a reason, that is optional.

Sunday, June 6, 2021

Can mods give vip to people

Can twitch mods give vip to people?
No, only the broadcaster can add the user role of vip to others on their channels. If you want to vip someone in your own channel you can simply use the chat command as follows.

Type: /vip [username]

You can also do this in the roles manager section in the dashboard. To get to the roles manager follow these simple steps!
Add VIP and show VIP Slots amount
  1. Go to the creator dashboard
  2. Click on the community section to expand it
  3. Then click on the "Roles Manager" option
  4. Press the Add New button, type the username of the account you want to add for vip and then press the + button to add the vip role. 

You can also see how many vip slots you have unlocked when in the roles manager and by clicking on adding in a new vip user role. See the above screenshot for a example of that occurance.

How do you get vip slots on twitch?

Streamers can get 10 VIP slots by completing the "Build a Community" achievement which is gain 50 followers and 5 unique chatters during a stream session. This will scale up as you have more unique chatters during your streaming.

What benefits do VIPs have in your twitch channel?

  • Special Badge
  • Can post links in chat even if links are disabled
  • Not effected by any rate limits, slow, sub-only or followers-only modes




If you block someone on twitch can they see your stream

If you have block someone on twitch from your channel can they still see your broadcast?

Yes, anyone can still view your channel even if they are blocked from chat. Blocking doesn't prevent anyone from watching but it does remove them from the chat room and list. If you feel a viewer or another streamer is causing issues that break the community guidelines you should report them.
Saturday, June 5, 2021

Can mods check who is banned

Can twitch mods check who is banned?

Yes, any mod for your channel can check to see if a user has been banned using the following chat command.

Type: /user [username]

This should pop up a window that will display if they are banned or not. Here is a screenshot example of a user that was recently banned on my channel.

user banned notification
You can see the banned notification at the bottom of the pop up, who did the ban and the date it occurred.This information can also be accessed in the mod view, to access the mod view for a channel by clicking on sword button next to the gear icon.  Here is a screenshot of what that looks like from my channel.
mod view button on twitch
Another way to directly access the mod view is by inserting the following into the URL structure.


Put /moderator/ before the channel name as noted in the example.  This is a great way to create a shortcut or bookmark straight to this very handy tool.

Now in the mod view you have a section called "MOD ACTIONS", all recent bans will be posted up in this location. If you click on the name in that section it will pop up a window showing details of what the user posted in chat, any timeouts, bans and mod comments.
mod view ui on twitch

It also has button options to unban, report, and quick whisper.

Can mods say banned words

Can twitch mods say banned words?

No, only the broadcaster can say words or phrases that are banned in their channel. If you want to check what words and phrases are banned in your channel, follow these steps.
  1. Blocked terms and phrases on twitch
    Login to your twitch account
  2. Go to creator dashboard
  3. Click on the settings section to expand it
  4. Find moderation in the dropdown menu and click on that option
  5. Then go to the section listed as "Blocked terms and phrases" and click on that area
This will get to the page that lists all the blocked terms and phrases you have enabled.

Can mods see my sub count

Can twitch mods see my sub count?
sub count twitch

No, only the broadcaster is able to see current sub counts on their channels. There are some 3rd party websites that do minor sub count tracking but they are not that accuate.
Friday, June 4, 2021

Can mods delete clips

Can twitch mods delete clips?

No, only editors or the channel owner can delete clips made from their streams. If you are a editor you can access the content clip section by going to the following URL:

Replace daopa with the channel name that you are a editor for and it will show the clips section. From there you can select the clips you want to delete by check marking them and pressing the delete button.

Deleting clips as editor on twitch

Another way to get to this section is from the mod view. To get to mod view, click on the sword icon at the bottom section in the chat block.
mod view button on twitch

After that go to the channel actions section on the side and expand it.

channel tools mod view
On this panel you will see the option for creator dashboard. Click on that and you will go to the default section of the dashboard. From there you click on content then clips, then clips of streamer name channel.

Can mods use sub emotes

Can twitch mods use sub emotes?

No, in order for a mod to use sub emotes they will have to subscribe to the channel, or use the temporary unlocks if available from the channel points system.
Subscriber Emotes

Can mods timeout other mods

Can twitch mods timeout other mods?

No, only the broadcaster can timeout mods on their channel. If you want to timeout a mod you can do that by clicking on their name in the chat and pressing the timeout button.

timeout mod on twitch

You can also use a chat command to timeout anyone in your chat.

Type: /timeout [username] [duration] [reason]

You don't have to post a reason if you don't want to, its just a additional option.

Thursday, June 3, 2021

Can mods host streams

Can twitch mods host streams? 

Answer is no, only editors have that option.

To see who is a editor for your channel follow these simple steps.

  1. Login to your twitch account
  2. Go to the creator dashboard
  3. Click on the section labeled Community to expand it.
  4. Select menu option called "Roles Manager"

Once you get to the roles manager page it will show you if you have any editors and also allow you to assign users to the editor role.

For additional information on hosting and raids check out these other guides!
Raiding & Hosting
Automatically Host other channels


Can mods see a list of who is banned

Can twitch mods see a list of who is banned?

Sort of via the moderation view, your mods can see all the recent mod actions which includes bans. If you are a mod and don't know how to access the mod view its pretty easy, click on the little sword icon on the bottom section of the chat.
mod view button on twitch

When you are in the mod view, look for the panel called "Mod Actions" and if any recent bans have occurred they will be listed in the section.

Can mods upload emotes

Can twitch mods upload emotes?

So we have been asked recently if a mod on Twitch for your channel can upload emotes.  The answer is no, only the streamer or broadcaster account can do that action.

If you want to upload new emotes for your channel follow these steps!

  1. Login to your twitch account.
  2. Go to the creator dashboard
  3. Find the section called Viewer Rewards and click to expand it.
  4. Click on the Emotes menu option, then you will see a page for adding in new emotes if you have the slots available.